Batch mode

Multiple runs are very useful when the user wants to test different parameters or must conduct a series of simulations on several regions. They can be defined in the file batch_script.xml from the directory parameters/scripts. This file can be edited with the help of any text editor (we recommend Notepad++ for the colored highlighting). It consists of fields as described below.

Multiple runs will be processed one after the other, according to the file batch_script.xml. Every run tag contains options specific for the run. The first run must be fully described and is considered as the reference. The following run tags description only contain the options that differ from the reference run. Don't forget to name the run!

The criteria to define are the following:

  • namezone : Name of the study area

  • nameflow : Name of the rivers layer

  • : Name of the buffer layer

  • src.fuffer.slct : Selection of the buffer layer (0-1)

  • src.cust(i).type : Custom datasets types (ignored if empty)

  • src.cust(i).region : Custom datasets region

  • src.cust(i).crit : Custom datasets criteria

  • src.value.longname : Choice of the dataset for the source value (ignored if empty)

  • spg.calc : Choice to process or not the propagation (0-1)

  • spg.addprob : Add the probabilities of the different debriflows (vs max)

  • spg.triggermulti : Trigger connected source areas together

  • spg.modecalc : Calculation mode:

    • 1 ->Overview: Only superior sources

    • 2 ->Quick: energy based discrimination

    • 3 ->Complete: simulation of all debris flows

  • spg.fct_Pspread : Name of the function processing the spreading probabilities

  • : Corresponding parameters file

  • spg.fct_Pinert : Name of the function processing the inertia probabilities

  • : Corresponding parameters file

  • spg.fct_Eloss : Name of the function processing the energy loss

  • : Corresponding parameters file

  • spg.Elimit : Option to limit the kinetic energy (0-1)

  • spg.fct_Elimit : Name of the function processing the energy limitation

  • : Corresponding parameters file

The batch script contains as many runs as the user wants (described between the markups : <run description="..." name="..."> and </run>). The first run (reference run) has to be fully described. For the following runs, only what changes from the reference run need to be specified. Each run must have a different name, otherwise the recent results will override the old ones. The file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<main version="0.7.0">

<!--Fill in the options and give a name to the run. You can add as

many runs as you want. For every new configuration (run), only

set the options that you want to change from the reference run-->


<run description="Solalex_test01" name="Solalex_test01">


<!--Name of the study area-->

<option code="namezone">Solalex_010m</option>

<!--Name of the rivers layer-->

<option code="nameflow">Solalex_010m_no_river</option>

<!--Name of the buffer layer-->

<option code=""></option>


<!--Selection of the buffer layer-->

<option code="src.buffer.slct">0</option>

<!--Custom datasets types. Must be similar to the list of the main interface -->

<option code="src.cust1.type">Predefined sources</option>

<option code="src.cust2.type"></option>

<option code="src.cust3.type"></option>

<option code="src.cust4.type"></option>

<option code="src.cust5.type"></option>

<option code="src.cust6.type"></option>

<!--Custom datasets region-->

<option code="src.cust1.region">Solalex_010m</option>

<option code="src.cust2.region"></option>

<option code="src.cust3.region"></option>

<option code="src.cust4.region"></option>

<option code="src.cust5.region"></option>

<option code="src.cust6.region"></option>

<!--Custom datasets criteria-->

<option code="src.cust1.crit">boolean</option>

<option code="src.cust2.crit"></option>

<option code="src.cust3.crit"></option>

<option code="src.cust4.crit"></option>

<option code="src.cust5.crit"></option>

<option code="src.cust6.crit"></option>

<!--Choice of the dataset for the source value-->

<option code="src.value.longname">Predefined sources</option>


<!--Choice to process or not the spreading-->

<option code="spg.calc">1</option>

<!--Add the probabilities of the different debriflows

instead of considering the maximum-->

<option code="spg.addprob">0</option>

<!--Trigger connected source areas together-->

<option code="spg.triggermulti">0</option>

<!--Calculation mode

1: Overview: Only superior sources

2: Quick: energy based discrimination

3: Complete: simulation of all debris flows-->

<option code="spg.modecalc">2</option>

<!--Name of the function processing the directions-->

<option code="spg.fct_Pspread">Holmgren_modified</option>

<!--Corresponding parameters file-->

<option code="">exp=04_dh=1m</option>

<!--Name of the function processing the inertia probabilities-->

<option code="spg.fct_Pinert">weights</option>

<!--Corresponding parameters file-->

<option code="">default</option>

<!--Name of the function processing the energy loss-->

<option code="spg.fct_Eloss">travel_angle</option>

<!--Corresponding parameters file-->

<option code="">11_deg</option>

<!--Option to limit the kinetic energy-->

<option code="spg.Elimit">1</option>

<!--Name of the function processing the energy limitation-->

<option code="spg.fct_Elimit">velocity_inf_to</option>

<!--Corresponding parameters file-->

<option code="">15_mps</option>


<run description="Solalex_test02" name="Solalex_test02">

<!--Name of the parameters set for the function processing the spreading probabilities-->

<option code="">exp=04_dh=2m</option>


<run description="Solalex_test03" name="Solalex_test03">

<!--Name of the parameters set for the function processing the spreading probabilities-->

<option code="">exp=06_dh=2m</option>

